19 June 2012

Point of Retreat (Slammed Series 2)

Point of Retreat (Slammed Series #2) by Colleen Hoover

Point of Retreat is the second novel in the SLAMMED SERIES. Layken and Will's relationship persevered through hardships, heartache and a cruel twist of fate, further solidifying the fact that they belong together. What they don't expect is that the things that brought them together may ultimately be the very things that tear them apart. Layken is left questioning the very foundation on which their relationship was built. Will is left questioning how to prove his love for a girl who can't seem to stop "carving pumpkins." Once they find answers, the couple faces an even greater challenge. One that could change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone who depend on them.

Point of Retreat (Slammed Series #2) is definitely my favorite of the two. I don’t think any more books could top this one in the series. I love this book of so many reasons. It inspired me to write a poem entitled Butterfly. It gave me a new quote:
The points are not the point; the point is poetry. -- Allan Wolf, former slammaster, Asheville, NC
I definitely think having read Slammed, I understood the characters more than if I hadn’t. Whereas the first book was from Lake’s point of view, this one’s from Will’s. Kiersten, also another interesting name, is a new edition, in this book, along with the cast of characters returning, but an integral character, who is also my favorite. Just like everyone in the book, I would want her as my “new” best friend. The character is instantly like and endearing in my eyes. I couldn’t help but look her. Once I started I didn’t want to put it down. I think this book may be the highlight of my reading this year. I’m just so sorry that it came when it did. I found a lot of amazing but in the first half of this year, I hope to continue to find more amazing but I know my luck has to run out soon. As soon as I finished the first one I wanted to start this one. I think knowing these characters had me more invested in the drama. If you haven't read it you should add this to your 2012 to read list.

I give Point of Retreat (Slammed Series #2) 5 out 5.

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